Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Still looking for models

A few new bows in my shop. More to come I'm sure. I'm slowly learning that personal time is precious and I don't get as much of it anymore. Crafting has taken a back seat. I need to correct this.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


My best friend, Jennifer, knows me better than anyone else. This is clearly evident from her (bed, bath, &) BEYOND amazing housewarming gift. Jeffrey and I recently moved into our little, Mountain View apartment and on the first day, when I was completely stressed from the move, Jenn brought over the only thing that could make everything better - a baby donut maker. Saying I was ecstatic is an understatement.

My first attempt at making the lil' nuts was vegan. Jeffrey and I decided to try a week of veganism, for a variety of reasons, but there was no stopping me on trying to make a vegan baked good. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a recipe that didn't include an egg substitute (I didn't find a good alternative at my local grocery store), sooo, I decided to use a vegan cupcake recipe -- cake donuts exist so I was like "whateva."

Here were the results. I added some purple food coloring to some of the batter (that turned brown) and made a soy milk/powdered sugar icing. Sprinks obviously.

I'm in love. They were so cute and delicious - I swear, that week turned me on to vegan sweets, so good! I'm making some real donuts tomorrow for a coworkers birthday, what recipe to try?

From Mountain View with love,